Sunday afternoon puttering

I spent most of the afternoon puttering around my office, cleaning out drawers and sorting through junk mail and carrying baskets of my kids’ clothing to their rooms.  I’m so sick of my office being a family closet.  The laundry room is next to my office, so doing the laundry is super convenient.  I really don’t mind it at all.

But I draw the line at 1) bringing dirty laundry downstairs and 2) returning clean, folded laundry upstairs.  Weirdly, all of my kids don’t seem to find it even slightly inconvenient to come downstairs every morning to find a clean bath towel and an outfit for the day.  (A normal mother might insist that the children carry their laundry baskets of clean clothes to their rooms.  Why don’t I do that?  I don’t know.  Send a therapist.)

Anyway, it was out of hand.  My office looked like an unorganized Goodwill store minus the mismatched kitchenware and cash register.  If, in fact, a Goodwill store allowed shedding dogs inside.

Puttering takes a surprising amount of time and energy, so by early evening, I was reading in bed until I felt drowsy.  Then I took a nap, the kind of long nap visited by dreams.  This nap exceeded the length generally recommended by sleep experts.  For sure.

When I woke up, I coughed a bit which was weird because my lingering cough had all but disappeared.

Then, while working later tonight, I noticed that my throat seemed not-normal and that’s when I realized that maybe I’m getting sick again.

I hope I’m not getting sick again.

For one thing, I need to undecorate this week and other fun stuff.

Oh, but in other news, here’s a picture from the sunset the other night:

Carlsbad, California
Carlsbad, California

We’d just gotten to the beach and I spied this seagull flying our direction and managed to snap an iPhone photo. It’s a minor miracle that the bird isn’t blurry since I took the photo so quickly.

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