An unimaginative imagined day off

Oh, so I’m just trying to keep up with my life (picture me running along, trying to catch a speeding car) and realized I never answered all the questions. So, here’s an answer for today.

Laura asked: What would you do with a day all to yourself? No kids, no husband, no responsibilities, no work…?


Perfect Creature film

At home? If I were at home, I would sleep in and then feel no choice but to putter around, cleaning and sorting and organizing. I know that sounds like work, but I would find that so satisfying. There are so many things I’d love to do around here, but I need silence, solitude and no interruptions. If I have 24 whole hours, I would also read, write and watch late-night t.v. in bed. (I am so boring.)

Out and about? This is what I usually do on my “day off”: I go thrift shopping, I browse the clearance racks at Marshall’s and Famous Footwear, I see a movie (using gift certificates I have so it costs me nothing). I realized some time back that shopping is a sort of meditation for me . . . it really does clear my mind to focus on racks of clothing, looking for the colored tags that are fifty percent off, hunting for a treasures.

Yes, it’s confirmed. I am boring.

3 thoughts on “An unimaginative imagined day off

  1. I love going bargain shopping at Marshalls too. Yes, it is a sort of therapeutic activity to search for bargains. It takes you mind off of more serious matters, doesn’t it? As a matter of fact, I did just that today and found some great baskets on clearance at Marshalls. My husband says I buy baskets so that I can put more “unnecessary” bargains in them!


  2. Mel,
    I love to the exact same things you’ve said. I love to clean and organise the closet and other rooms in solitude (since I can then listen to my choice of music ALONE with no criticisms or comments). Given a day off from work, I have always tried to catch up on all the TV serials, movies I missed, especially cookery shows hehe and also chick flicks, enjoying them to my heart’s content! I love shopping alone too!! (And invariably I seek bargains only). So if you are “boring”, which you so clearly are NOT, then I’m proud to be in your team!


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