Seriously, move along. I am boring.

Watching the Olympic games leads me to believe that I could totally land a triple toe loop.  I could glide around that short track without crashing into the cushioned walls.  But my real strength would be snowboarding the half-pipe.  How do I know?  I have snowboarding hair, that’s how.  Plus, I could never appear in public wearing a white shiny skin-tight leotard, but the snowboarding baggy outfits would be perfect for me.

In other news, I believe I have caught the cold my two youngest children have been harboring under their grimy fingernails.  Why?  Why on a Thursday night, only a day away from some blessed time off?


I have never been a morning person.  Never.  Even though once in college I registered for a 7:30 a.m. class (Old Testament–and believe me, if you are going to take an early morning class, I do not recommend Old Testament . . . a better choice would be, oh, Coffee Drinking 101 or Advanced Square Dancing).

Even when my infant twins insisted on a morning wake-up call of 5:30 a.m., I was not a morning person.  My husband–my hero–would get up early with them so I could sleep a little longer and then shower before facing a long day of baby care.

Somehow, I’ve reached that lovely time of life when all the children in my house understand “sleeping in.”  (In fact, the twins, now teenagers, have turned “sleeping” into an all-day sport.  They do school at home, lucky for them.)

And now, I’ve truly turned into a night-owl with a job that ends at midnight.  I can easily stay awake until 2:30 a.m., sleep a few hours, wake up to take my daughter to school and then go right back to sleep.  I basically nap in the morning, just like the babies used to do.

But yesterday, I showered and left my house by 9:30 a.m., because at 7:30 a.m. I received a text message announcing the birth of a baby girl.  We hadn’t known if it would be a boy or girl, so I had to shop for girl clothes.  After the girl-clothes shopping frenzy, I stopped at Target for wrapping paper and then dropped by Barnes & Noble to buy some algebra study helps.  (Because, lucky me, I am revisiting algebra all over again as my teenagers take it.)

All of this and I was early to meet my friend at her apartment.  We then went together to meet our friend’s new baby–she’d been almost two weeks past her due date and the very night before she was to be induced, she went into labor.  And seven hours later, her baby daughter was born.  Perfection.

Is there anything more lovely then a brand new human being?  (I am torn whether it is more lovely if the newborn belongs to someone else or if it’s more lovely if the newborn is yours . . . because I have grown very fond of sleep.  I have had my own newborns . . . and now they fight with each other and tattle on each other.)

Anyway, I did all that and was at my computer ready to work by 1 p.m.

Today, however, all I did was take my daughter to school, take a morning nap, and work.

Then I realized I am getting a cold.  Fun.  But not as much fun as landing a triple toe loop.

2 thoughts on “Seriously, move along. I am boring.

  1. Haha! Don’t they make it look so easy to do all that Olympic stuff? I could TOTALLY do that. (Yeah, right. Then a trip to the ER.)


  2. I’m on my third day of a cold. But we’re above freezing finally. And the sun is out.

    My Olympic sport would be curling. I saw it for the first time last night. I could do it, and the clothes don’t look good on anyone, so no pressure.


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