Almost summertime for all practical purposes

I have a tale to tell.  But I’m too tired.

My daughter “graduated” from kindergarten.  Although it was so sweet, I don’t quite understand kindergarten graduation.  Seems like a newfangled milestone to me.  Was I supposed to get her a car?  Or a pony?

I never had a kindergarten graduation.  I think I’m all right.  Well, okay, maybe that’s an overestimation of my mental health, but still.

Ah, I kid.  I kid because I can.  Also?  I’m going to bed.  (Tomorrow is my son’s last day of fifth grade.  And he doesn’t get to “graduate” from fifth grade.  That seems unfair, right?)

Then I intend to sleep in until September.

6 thoughts on “Almost summertime for all practical purposes

  1. No graduation day for me either…but when we were to go to Jr High and enter the 7th grade they had a graduation for the 6th graders. I say they on accounta of for me, when I went into the 6th grade, they moved us to Jr high and there was no 5th grad graduation until the next year. It wasn’t just me that got jipped it was all my class mates too and some of them had to wait till the 13th or even 14th grade to graduate or the 9th month which ever came first :-}


  2. Kindergarten graduation is so that in just the blink of an eye when she’s graduating from high school you can cry and wail, “Didn’t she just graduate from Kindergarten?”


  3. My daughter finished 5th grade last year and she did have a graduation. It was as big of a deal as my son’s 8th grade graduation, which was at a different school system. I don’t get it. I don’t think she quite knew what to make of it either. My oldest son graduated from pre-school, then kindergarten. At the end of 1st grade it didn’t understand why he didn’t have a graduation.


  4. I have never really got kindergarten graduation either. I didn’t have one. The preschool we go to even has graduation with caps and gowns! So they graduate two years in a row. This year my sons kindergarten teacher said it was going to be really small and short and it will just be the last thirty minutes of class so we don’t have to go back to the school later like we have before.


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