Time in a bottle

I love that my kids’ ages are multiples of five. I have a great fondness for multiples of five. As you know, I prefer to get up when the clock shows a multiple of five. So, if, for instance, I wake up and it’s 7:03, I will go back to sleep until 7:05. And if I should miss 7:05, I will stay in bed until 7:10. This makes sense to me. It has also made me late from time to time.

I thought today how great it would have been if we (our whole family) could have all been multiples of five at the same time, but that would have required a great deal of planning and my uterus was exquisitely uncooperative when it came to family planning. It’s something of a miracle that we have children at all, nevermind the fun fact that their ages so pleasingly share a common denominator.

It is tricky, though, because they are such divergent ages. Tonight, my husband dropped the 15-year old twins off at youth group and took the five year to swim at the pool. Speaking of the pool, I find it very amusing that I consider a fleece jacket an essential item for my pool bag. That says everything that needs to be said about our climate here in the Pacific Northwest. My daughter doesn’t care at all about the air temperature (55 degrees) because the pool is warm. Plus, she’s a fish. What do fish care about weather when they can swim?

I took my 10-year old to school for the Arts Gala. His class performed a sitting hula dance. They sang, they entertained. My son held a decorative class-made rainbow during the performance. He was also featured quite a bit in the video presentation introducing their performance. He is a boy who needs an audience.

I finished reading The Atonement today. I really enjoyed it. As it turns out, the novel and the movie mirror one another quite closely. I only wish I’d read the novel before I saw the movie. Doing so always enhances the movie-going experience.

Only a couple more weeks of school. Time skedaddles from one season to the next like a dragonfly in a hurry.

7 thoughts on “Time in a bottle

  1. My kids are all 3 years 8 months apart, almost to the day. Weird, huh. It makes it tough to remember their ages when I’m rambling them off, so I’m always bumping the middle child up a year. Poor middle child.


  2. I read the beginning of your post from my rss feed – I thought you were going to end your sentence:

    … I will go back to sleep until 10:00.

    Wishful thinking!


  3. I liked Atonement, too. I haven’t seen the movie. I thought the book started out slowly, but it hooked me as soon as the momentum kicked in.


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