Merry Christmas!

First of all, does anyone know where the tape is? No? No one?

Oh, wait. I found it.



The Christmas pageant was tonight. My 5-year old daughter endured a two-hour practice on Sunday afternoon. She dressed up as a sheep, crawled out by the shepherds, did great! This morning she informed me she did not want to be in the play. Then, while we sat in the pew, waiting for 7 p.m. to arrive, she told me she really wanted to be an angel. I reminded her that there were no more angel costumes and besides, it was too late to be in the play.

At 6:59 p.m., she said, “I really really want to be in the play. I changed my mind.” I told her it was too late and realized the glory of her current age. She did not throw a fit or cry or argue. Good thing, because if she had, I would have missed the amusement of the Christmas pageant.

First of all, the beautiful young couple with their gorgeous kids did the Advent reading and lighting of the final Advent candle. Only the young woman couldn’t get the lighter-thingy to light. I saw the youth pastor moving over to assist her . . .  and heard the unbelievably loud CLICK, CLICK, CLICK of the unresponsive lighter . . . and then, her husband finished reading, reached for the lighter-thingy and with one click, WHOOSH, there was the flame. (Hi, Jenn! Oh, that was funny!)

In no particular order, here are other things that made me laugh:

1) “Mary” chewing pink gum while sitting in the “stable” . . . and her mother hissing at her to stop chewing said gum. Two rows of us were in near hysterics. When “Mary” realized our mirth, she got that haughty teenage look of disdain.

2) One unruly black “cow” sucking his thumb.

3) My daughter brought a life-like doll with her . . . and the doll has fresh batteries. The doll was “asleep” . . . until a woman on the other side picked up the doll, waking the doll . . . just as the program started. The doll was cooing, moaning, giggling and the people in the row behind us were snickering . . . my daughter snatched the doll, trying to get it to sleep . . . and I finally, in somewhat of a panic, found the “off” button. But, oh, the hilarity.Perhaps all of this is more amusing when you are tired.

At any rate, Merry Christmas to you all. (Time to go arrange gifts under the tree!)


8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. The pageant sounds like it was a success….and some comic relief as well. I would have been the lady in the audience with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

    Merry Christmas and a happy ’08 to you!


  2. Yes it was a very funny pageant! And I really wanted to throw the VERY CHEAP lighter on the ground and use the other advent candles to light the bigger “white” one but I couldn’t think fast enough because I was holding an exhausted nine-month old who was eating “puffs” out of my other hand. Oh and did I tell you we found out about that the night before but that was more notice than Rob the camel who got recruited five minutes before his big debut :). It was all in good fun and made for great memories!! Merry Christmas to you and your family.


  3. Our children’s Sunday School program was a week ago. This past Sunday evening was a beautiful Christmas concert put on by our church’s choir and orchestra. As a friend of ours who attended it with us said, “If I wasn’t in the Christmas spirit beforehand, I am now!” I really really really needed that concert and it definitely eased my heart and lightened my mood. We had a lovely Christmas Day, too. Hope you did as well. Happy New Year to you!


  4. Did you ever read the book “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”? You’d enjoy it. The tape? I thought the cat got into it. Or in my case, the rabbits.


  5. This is so funny! How many times in church has a toy gone off…

    We did a small nativity with my family and had a fight over who would be Joseph. We ended up having 2 Joseph’s, boy that’s a long story.

    Merry Christmas!


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