Mine eyes have seen the glory

Processed with Snapseed.
Processed with Snapseed

This morning I checked the weather on my phone, expecting to see some relief from the hot weekend weather we just endured.  Instead, I found that it was already 95 degrees, heading for over 100 degrees.

That’s just dumb and the result of the Santa Ana winds.  I guess it’s not all that unusual for this time of year here, but I’ve seen people wearing jackets in Facebook photos from other areas of the country.  I want to wear a jacket!  That seems normal for the end of September.

I worked today from 3 PM to 5 PM.  After work, I had to drive about 30 minutes away to a pizza place to do a “mystery shop.”  When I finished, I couldn’t help but notice the sky and I knew it would be a spectacular sunset because of the clouds but I rushed home because my husband and I planned to watch the presidential debate together.

The entire ride home, I was distracted by the sky.  (I took this photo at a stoplight.)

I rolled into the driveway at about 7 PM.  My husband betrayed me by watching the debate when it started instead of waiting for me.  (I joke.  He started because he realized we wouldn’t have time to watch it together because one or the other of us would have to drop off and pick up some kids  I’ll watch the beginning tomorrow since we recorded it.)

So, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the reasons I missed another glorious sunset.

Next time, I’m skipping the debate and heading straight for the beach.

8 thoughts on “Mine eyes have seen the glory

  1. That’s a good sunset. We’ve had some coldness for the past few days. My thick, hoodie sweater came out of storage. If it weren’t still September, we might have turned the furnace on, but one must have standards.


  2. I wondered whether you two would watch the debate – knowing that TV watching is limited these days (or is it, still?). I started watching, but can’t stand yelling and snotty looks, so switched the channel. Next time, I’d rather see the sunset – you capture such beautiful ones – whether at the beach or a stop sign. Keep on sharing. (and today, I am wearing a pair of regular long pants with a winter sweater. Feels SO good – even though it is still September, it feels like almost winter.)


  3. Hey girl! Hope everything is ok with you and family! Thought I would see a nostalgic Halloween post here. That’s the way I feel today, now that my kids are in their twenties.


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