Wanted: Rest for the weary

My husband has flown to Seattle for the weekend.  He mainly went to perform the funeral service of a dear woman from our previous church, but he’s also planning to visit various friends and eat at his favorite restaurants.

The temperature right now in Seattle is only about five degrees cooler than it is here . . . but tomorrow, it will get twenty degrees warmer here than there.  And by Saturday, we expect to be back in the seventies here.  It will be about 45 degrees in Seattle.

You’d think I’d miss my old state, but the last year I lived there, it was dreary, wet and cold.  Maybe it seemed worse because I was under a tremendous amount of stress.  I’ve loved living here near the ocean with so much sunshine.  I don’t miss wet feet and crazy hair and dismal, dark skies.  (My hair was often crazy there because every time I went out, it would get wet.  This was especially distressing when I was a teenager and trying desperately to wear feathered bangs.)


For a few days I am working a later shift than usual.  I consoled myself by telling myself that I would get to sleep in each day but then I remembered that I have to get up at 7 AM to drive my son to school.  There truly seems to be no rest for the weary.

Well, unless you count Saturday.  I hope there is rest for the weary on Saturday.

I am looking forward to Christmas Break (no driving anyone to school or home from school!) but on the other hand, I am not even close to being ready for Christmas, so slow it down, Father Time!  I need to get it together, stat!

Starting by sleeping right now.

2 thoughts on “Wanted: Rest for the weary

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