Twenty-five years ago

Twenty-five years ago, I married my first husband.

He’s still here.

Well, he’s not here-here because right now he’s in Colorado on business, but he’s still here, married to me.  I know.  That alone demonstrates his bountiful patience and good-will and kindness.  He is among the steadiest and calmest people I’ve ever known and that’s just one of the reasons I love him.

Tomorrow we’re ditching the kids and our jobs and the puppy and our house for twenty-four hours and we’re going to San Diego to celebrate our silver anniversary.  (I just have to swing by the airport to pick him up before the celebration begins.)  (And I have to walk the dog, take Grace to VBS, work, pick up Grace from VBS, deliver our houseguest to the airport and discover a cure for the common cold.)

Who would have guessed on that July day so long ago that twenty-five years would slide by in such quick fashion?  I would have taken more pictures and written more words if I had fully realized what a vapor life is.

We’ve lived in five states, had four kids, seven cats, two dogs and a few fish.  We have lived in three apartments, one townhouse, one parsonage, and three houses.  We still agree on a few things:  we don’t like raw tomatoes and we don’t like coffee–though he is a social drinker from time to time.  You can also count on this:  I’m usually running late and he’s always early.  I have a messy desk and his is so tidy that it doesn’t look like anyone owns the desk.  He’s an early bird and I am a night owl.

We’re growing old together.  I can’t think of a better way to grow old.

7 thoughts on “Twenty-five years ago

  1. Happy Anniversary you two!
    You simply MUST post a wedding picture. The picture I hold in my mind of the two of you is as Mr. and Mrs. Dog the Bounty Hunter.


  2. Congratulations. But you said you were going away from home and your jobs – yet you post all the jobs you will be doing first. You just don’t give up, do you???

    Anyhow, do something fun. And don’t let anyone fill your car with trashy paperbacks before you head back home.


  3. Hmmm!! My hubby & I don’t like raw tomatoes either… That’s why I married him 😉 It’s been nearly 31 years now… Maybe not liking raw tomatoes is the key to long marriages? 😀


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