To think I chose this life

Unfortunately, I scheduled a dental appointment for my 13-year old this morning at 8:30.  Normally, I’m not quite conscious at that hour, so it was sad for both of us.  He missed a frog dissection in science class and had to go to school with a numb face and I was tired.

And when we got to the dentist office, I noticed the trash can on the side of the road and realized it was Thursday, aka Trash Day, and so I texted my teenagers who were still sleeping and they didn’t text me back and so after I dropped my daughter off at school I stopped by the house to drag the trash cans to the curb (well, if we had a curb–it was really just the side of the road) before returning to the dentist to pick up my numb-faced boy.

I returned home from dropping off my son at school just in time to shove our three mutant cats into crates so we could take them to the vet for rabies shots and health certificates.  As you can imagine, they did not enjoy this. While waiting for the vet to enter the room, my 8-year old called from school to ask me to bring her forgotten glasses.  (She’s nearsighted and gets headaches without them.)  I told her I couldn’t right then but I would if I could.

I brought one of my 18-year old sons to help me carry the crates and halfway home, my other 18-year old called me to let me know that I’d left the veterinary’s office without paying.

So I dropped off the cats and son.
I grabbed the glasses and a package to mail.
Dropped off the glasses at Grace’s school.
Mailed two boxes.
Drove back to the vet’s office to pay.
Came home and took a 30 minutes nap.
Worked from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.
Gathered lacrosse equipment to turn in.
Turned in lacrosse equipment.
Picked up take-n-bake pizza.
Baked pizza, ate pizza.
Took a nap.
Worked from 9 p.m. until midnight.

As I was writing this, I remembered seeing my 13-year old wearing sweatpants to school because he had no clean jeans, so I went to the laundry room to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer and what do you think I found in the washing machine?

That’s right.  The 13-year old’s cell phone.

Two days ago, I washed his iPod shuffle.  I put it in a container of dry rice and amazingly, it now works again.

I put the cell phone in rice.  I’m kind of feeling like my luck is running out, though.

Tomorrow I scheduled an eye appointment for my 18-year old at 10 a.m.

And so it goes.

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