Super Sunday

My husband is in New Mexico tonight.  He’s driving a new-to-us red Cadillac home from Texas.  He expects to arrive here on Wednesday night.  Normally, he prefers not to share driving duties when on car-trips–when we drove to Disneyland, he drove the whole way there and the whole way back.  Hello?  I have had my driver’s license since I was seventeen.  (I failed the written test only once.  Ha ha ha.)

Anyway, a friend of his flew to Texas to help him drive home.  “Are you going to actually let him drive?” I asked.  He laughed and said he wasn’t sure.  I pointed out that this friend flew airplanes for a living and could probably handle a red Cadillac on the Interstate system.

And tonight, my husband reported that Keith drove about half the day.  Good job, Mr. Safety.  See?  You didn’t die, even though someone else drove the car!

Meanwhile, since he was gone, I left home twenty minutes late.  Our drive to Seattle takes an hour, depending on traffic and I sped the whole way, wondering why other people were not in such a hurry.  We arrived in our seats just as the pastor began the sermon, so I count that as being pretty close to on time.  Nevermind that we were actually the full twenty minutes late.

After church, we had lunch at Dick’s Drive In and then stopped by Costco for Superbowl snacks.  We’d set the DVR to start recording the game, just in case, and sure enough, by the time I had set up everything and made Rice Krispie Treats, the game had been on over thirty minutes.  So, we watched it on time delay.  And by “we”, I mean me, my three sons and two other teenage boys from the neighborhood.  My daughter spend her afternoon at her friend’s house down the street.

I wrapped up my night by giving my 1o-year old a haircut in the kitchen at 10:00 p.m.  I really have no training in cutting hair, but whenever I take him to a barber, the barber cuts his hair so short that my poor blond boy cries his eyes out.  So I trim it myself and wish I had sharper shears.

Well, I’ve pondered whether to add more to this entry and wondered if I will ever have anything clever to say again.  I’ve decided no on both counts.

4 thoughts on “Super Sunday

  1. We didn’t even know there was a big game yesterday till we noticed evening church attendance was way down! We have no TV, and I never look at the sports page. I’m not a sports fan, but I would watch the Superbowl for rice crispie treats.


  2. I don’t like to let anyone else drive, either. It has nothing to do with the other driver. It’s all on me. I just want to be in control. Can’t you see that the other side of the road is smoother? Let’s go faster. Slower. Maybe we can try this route. No that one.

    It’s a good thing my partner is oblivious. Probably why we’ve been together so long…

    OTOH, I have actually gotten better about this. I’ve gotten to a place in my life where it is easier to “let go” of these annoying control issues. Happened after I turned 50.

    So, just be patient. 😉



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